Being a REAL family is the plan  

Posted by Christy

This post is inspired by a couple years of personal turmoil over a silly topic to be debated. My new hero Jaymee brings up the subject in her Blog and my comment back to her was so long I just made it my own post here. Here is Jaymee's Blog (I swear this girl is in my head)

A BIG hot topic in Surrogacy is breastfeeding/pumping and the insecurities/jealousy issues IM's must have if they do not allow their surrogate to nurse to do not want to use breast milk.

My initial plan was to induce using Ask Elenore protocol with Domperidone and BCP's. I have a close friend who used and I saw it work wonderfully.

THEN came the pressure from the surrogacy world to be okay with a surro breastfeed in the hospital. I thought heck no! I will feed my baby thank you very much. It is the first thing I CAN do as a parent and I am going to do it. Plus to be really honest, I find it a little creepy.

This is where to much time to think got to me.......I started asking myself what was wrong with me that I didn't want my surro to nurse my child? I need to suck it up and get over myself. So THEN I decided I could do it and it's not such a big deal.

BUT of course I couldn't just stop there, in the end I wind back up with were I started. It's OKAY for me to want to feed my own child. People who do not have a surrogate do not have anyone pressuring them to have a friend nurse their child. At some point, we get to be a family like everyone else and make parental choices for our children without a HIPPA release and PBO in place. It doesn't mean I am ungrateful or bailing on my friend or surro who carried our child it just means she helped create a REAL family, one in which the parents are allowed to meet the child's' basic needs as they see fit.

I am so incredibly grateful we have two friends who will not only carry our children but respect our need to be a real family too.

*As a side note-I am not in favor of our surrogates eating the placentas either.......again, the creepy issue plus it's just gross......BLECH Now that I have completely offended the very crunchy parents and surro's I am done for now.

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 3:19 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Great... I suppose I'd better throw out my placenta cookbook now.

August 31, 2008 at 5:11 PM

haha.......well, I'm sure there are other who will see me a cruel unenlightened person share theirs with you. ewwww

September 1, 2008 at 8:39 AM

So what are we supposed to snack on after the birth?

September 1, 2008 at 9:50 AM

YES!! I will be at your service so long as they are not placenta shakes and burgers.

September 1, 2008 at 9:56 AM


My hubby says don't knock placenta until you try it. He also added it tastes like chicken. hahahaha

I'm probably offending the crunchies now too.

September 1, 2008 at 9:58 AM

Personally, I love Italian after giving birth. ha ha

September 1, 2008 at 3:27 PM

I just wanted to say Christy that you are not out of the ordinary and it's not just because its surrogacy or infertility related either. It is your right to decide how and who feeds your baby.

Here's an idea of how "normal" your feelings completely are. My sister (20years old) just had her baby. She tried so hard to breastfeed but really it didn't work out well for her and decided to go to the bottle. HOWEVER, she is the ONLY one who feeds the baby! She figures if she was breastfeeding that she would be the only one, so why should it be different just because the nipple is? And she concieved and carried her own baby.

Many have strong feelings towards feeding their child and there is no right or wrong. Don't let anyone guilt you into anything you don't feel 100% good about.


September 6, 2008 at 7:32 AM

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