My Manipulations in trying to get an Embryo to Stick and Stay  

Posted by Christy

My madness.......

1. Pray like mad.....never stop. I figure God is in charge so it is best to go directly to who is in charge of the show and make sure I take the time to ask him for what I want.

That seems pretty sane right? Well, I don't stop there......nope not me. My brain starts going and the craziness just comes pouring out.

Naming of Our Embryos. - Yes, they need potential names every single one of them. If we are transferring 2 embryo's we need FOUR names. Two girls and two boys. This isn't so hard but when we transfered 3 frozen embryo's I needed three boys names and three girls names. Then when we transfered four frozen embryo's I needed four of each. The biggest problem came in when Jon could not cooperate with me and help. So then I am frustrated with Jon because he veto's all my additional boy choices. Doesn't he understand that our children will not stick if they think we have not even cared enough to consider what their name can be? This seems so logical to me, how can Jon not understand my insanity?

The naming doesn't stop there, if/when they stick they need nick names because I need my friends to cheer them on without me revealing their potential names. When we had twins we were calling them Tigger and Roo because one of the embryos looked like "baby Tigger" (like you see in a cloud). Susan called them "George and Martha" because on the small picture I put up "Baby Tigger" looked just like a nickel. The doctors called them baby A and Baby B. Crazy enough as long as they have names it brings me comfort. It makes them more real.

I talk to them - Yep, I like to go all out on "crazy" and take their little pictures with me every where and tell them I miss them and how much I love them and want them to grow.

Funny thing is I don't get the idea other IM's do this or if so not to the same degree as I do. The great part is IM's have a bit of a reputation for being crazy people by surrogates who misunderstand us and make assumptions because we are not big shares of our real feelings. I think I might be the craziest of the bunch but I am also the one willing to tell surrogates who call us crazy to sit down because they are off base. Ahh.......if only they knew haha

My question to other IM's is what do you do or have you done that is a bit nutty?

This entry was posted on Monday, September 1, 2008 at 9:44 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


How about surrogates? Any freakish things you do? Someone throw me a bone.

September 1, 2008 at 10:08 AM

I just had an unwavering assertion that it would work but I had to start testing right away to figure out how many would stick. It was a really hard balance though, I tried to not be quite as "certain" in what I said to my FIM. I don't know why, I guess I felt like I needed to cushion things in case it didn't work, not that I thought it was possible. lol, I'm a bit crazy myself so it's all good.

September 1, 2008 at 3:33 PM

The first time around I/We were certain too. It was after the losses that it got to me. But we are having a do-over now with FRESH. WHOOHOOO Even then I might need to have names LOL

September 1, 2008 at 4:52 PM

I just seemed to operate on "blind faith" that it would work.

September 1, 2008 at 5:19 PM

Uhmmm...once they were transferred it made it more "real" to name them. In our case, Blast and Mory! It certainly helps keep things feeling positive. My own secret was to think that nothing would possibly work and prepare myself for the negative outcome so as not to be disappointed. Kind of like when you carry an umbrella it never rains! LOL!

September 15, 2008 at 8:35 AM

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