Once Again - Our surrogate needs a name....  

Posted by IVF Land on Surrogacy World

It's time once again to name our surrogate. I am alone in this endeavor since Christy will not participate.
But, I get back at her by not participating in the baby naming game.

She loses out at the moment, however, because the babies name can wait, at least for a few more weeks.
But, the surrogate is here. Now. And demands a name.

Truthfully, only I demand a name. I am under a lot of pressure here to write about our story.
I don't know how to write about someone that has no name.

Our surrogate is NOT a horse in the desert!!!!!

Nor, is she prince.

My readers demand a name. Right?
You guys are with me. Right?
Cyn? Care to make a suggestion?

Everybody has a story. A past. A present. A future.

This is told very clearly in A Christmas Story about Ebenezer Scrooge. A novella that tells the story of someone that goes from being sour and stingy to a great philanthropist before our eyes.

On the face of it our Surrogacy story has a lot in common with A Christmas Story:

Dickens's Carol brings to the reader images of light, joy, warmth, and life. It also brings strong and unforgettable images of darkness, despair, coldness, and death.
Scrooge himself is the embodiment of winter, and, just as winter is followed by spring and the renewal of life, so too is Scrooge's cold, pinched heart restored to the innocent goodwill he had known in his childhood and youth.

 Our surrogate is a great philanthropist this part is true. She brings light, joy, warmth, and life to us.
This part is a perfect fit.

However, when we continue Scrooge is the embodiment of winter and our surrogate reminds me of Summer and Sunshine. Also, darkness and despair are behind us and our surrogate has a huge heart.

In the end - we can not use the name Scrooge for our current surrogate - we will leave this name for surrogates past.

Names are very important so we will work this over for awhile before we come up with the best name.

For now, we will use a temporary name, just for a few weeks, so I can start sharing more of the story.

Our surrogates temporary name is:

Dick Cheney

It's perfect - She is in an undisclosed location.


She can describe my feelings about the last two months in one famous Dick Cheney quote.

Except for the occasional heart attack, I never felt better.

This entry was posted on Friday, January 22, 2010 at 2:37 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Well, it's nice to see you over here on this blog as well.
I was going to suggest you stick with the 'summer or spring' idea. I've known some pretty cool Summer's. But I have to admit the Dick Cheney thing is much more your style. It's always nice when you can chuckle at 6am.
I do not 'really' mind not having a name for her, but a name (even a made up name) does make her feel more real to me, as though you've actually told me about her and I know her (which would be the ultimate gift in case you were wondering).
You could go the Mexico route. Verano has a nice ring to it. How do you say "amazing, mystery surro' in spanish?

January 22, 2010 at 6:29 AM

My posts are like an Easter Egg hunt where you must search to find them.

Just think - How many blogs have I posted on that you haven't found yet?

January 22, 2010 at 10:01 AM

If I have time, I will have to go on a hunt this weekend.

January 23, 2010 at 8:53 AM

Glad to see some action here. What about naming your surrogate, Carol. You are telling a story of your child/ren's birth afterall. Instead of the Christmas Carol, it could be Your Carol.

January 25, 2010 at 9:11 PM

We are getting away from the scrooge theme for this story.

We need something more creative to build around.

January 27, 2010 at 2:19 PM

Good luck with the naming of your surrogate. So I'm a bit confused as it's been awhile since you posted. Is Isis still around? Do you still have 2 surros? Are they both pregnant?

CONGRATS again on the postive pregnancy test!

February 5, 2010 at 7:12 PM

Along the way we got side tracked and had to start over with the surrogate search.

We have a new surrogate that is pregnant 10 weeks now and will soon start the search for another surrogate to begin working on Irish twins soon.

February 8, 2010 at 8:00 PM

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